Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome to 2014!

Hello Everyone!

We are now in 2014 which means it's that wonderful time of when we all make New Year Resolutions.... some easier than others.  Honestly I don't really believe in making New Year Resolutions because I believe you should try to improve every day and not wait until the beginning of the next year to make a promise to yourself.  But I thought I would throw in a couple just to see if I could keep it.

My New Year Resolution is of course blog more.  I have a lot of more outfit ideas and I am also going to start managing more social medias so go check those out at the links below.  I'm going to try to blog at least once a week. Hopefully with my busy schedule coming up I can still be faithful here.

My own personal resolution is honestly to stop saying, "I'm sorry" all the time.  I have this habit of when something is wrong or if a situation is bad I automatically say I'm sorry even if it has nothing to do with me.  A example would be when I was talking to my boyfriend not too long ago when he was telling me one of my Christmas gifts was coming in the mail soon.  But the problem was that the package wouldn't be delivered until after Christmas and more into mid-January.  He was very upset that it was going to take so long for me to get it and when I saw that he was upset about the situation I automatically said, "I'm so sorry"  He replied with, "Why are you sorry?"  That's when it hit me.  Honestly, I would probably walk into a wall and say I'm sorry.  So I'm trying to work on that and I'm kind of struggling

So those are my resolutions, hopefully you made some reasonable ones.  Below is one of my favorite videos from my favorite film company Wong Fu Productions about resolutions so check that out:


Also I started a instagram and here is my first post with my tinker bell hair:

I hope you all have a wonderful year



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