Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Favorites

Hello my fellow Trick-or-Treaters

Since I am a aspiring fashion/costume designer you should know what one of my favorite holidays is.  Halloween is less than a week away and even though I will be posting on the that about how my day went, I thought I should take the time to share some of my favorite things and this day.


You CANNOT have Halloween without candy! This time of year starts the beginning of where I cave in and give in to all the unhealthy yet satisfying sweets that are always around me (which later leads to Thanksgiving and Christmas, where even more unhealthy food is which leads to my New Year's Resolution to eat healthier.)  After I grew out of trick-or-treating and it was time to pass out the candy, we actually didn't have alot of children come to our neighborhood because it wasn't a very busy street.  But that never bothered me because that meant I got to keep all the candy. :) Anyways, here are some of my favorite candies and sweets.

  3 Musketeers are probably one of my favorite chocolate bars and it's pretty obvious that I LOVE chocolate.  I really like the mini candy bars because they taste cuter!  Another thing I love about them is it reminds me of when my dad and I would walk down the railroad tracks behind our house to the drugstore and buy a 3 Musketeers bar to eat, so yeah, good times.  The fluffy chocolate will always be on my list for Halloween Must-haves.

Right behind 3 Musketeers are KitKat Bars.  I have always loved these things especially when you put them in the freezer. One thing that always made me mad growing up was that some people didn't know how to eat it properly.  Some people just open the wrapper and take a bite out of it! So I would be sitting there like, "Have you not seen the commercial?! You'll suppose to break off a piece!"  But either way you eat your Kit Kat bar, I won't judge.  I even read that Green Tea KitKats are a actual thing and they are in America now.  I've never really had Green Tea before but I would be willing to try it if it came in chocolate form.

Last on my list is Twizzlers.  Admit it, you never had just one at a time!  As soon as you have one, you'll always going back to the bag and getting more.  I prefer the classic Strawberry flavor but I especially enjoy the sour ones too. Even though I am a big chocolate fan, I love gummy candy as well.  And this stuff takes the prize for favorite gummy candy.


October is the time of year when it starts to get a colder outside which means it's time to put away the cute summer dresses and break out the sweaters.  When it gets closer to Halloween time it's more then to rock borderline costumes.  I love borderline costumes because if you'll not that big into dressing up or if you'll invited to a last minute party you can still keep the Halloween spirit alive.   So now I'll be sharing my favorite borderline costumes...

Animal headbands have been a huge thing for me.  I currently have cat ears, Cheshire Cat ears, and now bat ears if you saw them a few post ago. They're so easy to slip on and get into character.


Halloween is the perfect excuse to put on crazy colored eye shadow and overly full eye lashes.  During Halloween, I think it's the perfect reason to try black lipstick.  Just like red lipstick I think every girl should try black at least once in her life.  You automatically feel more wicked after putting it on.  Don't knock it until you try it.

So those are just some of my few favorite things about Halloween.  Make sure to comment what are some of your favorite things.  I'll be posting a lot more Halloween themed post next week and then I will be revealing my costume.  I'm trying to keep my costume under wraps (no pun-intended) until the 31st for you all to see.   Tomorrow I'm actually going to a Halloween festival back home so I'll also be showing that Thrusday.

Have a safe a memorable Halloween,

Love Rachel

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